Friday, April 18, 2008

Eating Disorders Due to media? Post #2.

Anorexia Nervosa, the growing disorder that is killing teens all over the world. BUT WHY? For my senior project I choose to see if, like I believe, the media has a impact on the increasing number of eating disorders in young women. This question has been on my mind for years now. The media makes up this "perfect image" that girls think they have to be in-order to be pretty. Only five percent of American females naurally posses the so called "perfect" body image portrayed in the media (Merritt).

Is it okay for the media to make up this "perfect" image? What one may call perfect another may not think that at all. While doing my research i"m seeing that this topic is very conserversal, and many people have different opinons on what the cauese for the disorder is. Eating Disorders are very complex and there are many reasons why a person develops them, however the media pressure definitley has something to do with it. (McCarthy) Although the belief that the media is not to be blamed for the soaring cases of eating disorders among teenagers, numerous studies show that it actually is. (Kuthe) The media constantly presents the idea that woman are extremly thin. Influeced by these slender, good-loooking people they see in ads, films and on TV programs, teenagers seem particuarly susceptiple to anorexia. Seeing under weight role models on the television establishes a false body image in their minds.(Merritt) While doing my resarch i noticed that there are many studies done that prove media has a big affect on young people. A recent study of 2,000 teen and pre-teen boys and girls found that 15 percent of girls and 8 percent of boys diet or workout in order to look like one of the celebrities they see on TV or in magazines (Merritt)

Thomas, Kuthe. "Eating Disorders." 2002 April 23, 2008 .
Bridin, McCarthy. "Media blamed for causing eating disorders." 3/15/2001 April 23, 2008 .

1 comment:

Julz said...

Like I said in one of my other comment, I believe that media effects all young teenagers. The media makes us seem that we need to look like the people in the magazine or on television. The media doesn't make us comfortable with ourselves so some teens begin to let the media effect them by doing crazy diets or puking up their food. The media shouldn't judge us for being who we are they should relate to us and when we turn one the TV we shouldn't see slim girls and hot guys all the time because everyone in life isn't "perfect" to any standard.