Friday, February 8, 2008

Holocaust. The Diary of a Young Girl By Anne Frank pg 200/268

This book is a very emotional because you know that everything she is writing about is what really happened to her in her day to day life. You get a good look into the life a Jew during the Holocaust, one of the worst times in history, and this one girl could survive for so long. I think this is a really good book because you learn things about the concentration camps and what it was like having to hide and do everything secret so you dont get killed. I think Anne Frank has helped alot of people see how terrible life really was, and help people learn what was really happening to the Jews during World War Two. When reading the book you cant help but paint the picture in you head of what her life is like. With much detail it helps you to get a clear veiw. A young girls birthday present (the diary) turned out to be a top selling book.


Julz said...

I love to read about Anne Frank it is a horrible time period for people and to be able to get into the heart f what is happening through a young girls journal and memories can help make us understand how bad it was and you can't help but want to feel sad.

Mr. Malley said...

Angie, good post, but try to focus on specific parts of the book. When we look back and sum up we tend to not look closely enough at the details. Also, end with a question and separate the vital info from the title.