Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How do family deal..

After writing my last blog i wonder how does people such as family and friends deal with a loved one how just might happened to have schizophrenia. So i wonder how your families and friends can help someone with schizophrenia. I've tried many different ways to try and find a good way to write what i was looking for. But as i looked for ways family could help i found this two different website but both telling me just about the same thing.

So i just went with the general information that kept coming up on family helping those who are schizophrenic. From what i found not only does people with schizophrenia lead challenges threw out there life but also there families and friends. They may not have it as heard as people living with it but they have to go though a lot to make there families feel comfortable and have a safe feeling. There families and friends are like a support system for them. Because most people with schizophrenia tend to resist any type of treatment they need there family or friend there to either talk them into the treatment or have them make the decision for them to get it. Mostly family members has a huge responsibility because they have to care and watch over those who are schizophrenic. Because those who are schizophrenic don't think they really are they stop taking there medication because they don't think they need to anymore but i believe that the one that is closest with they person like a member of the family should be there to make sure that the take there medication so there wont get worse and do something dangerous. It is said that if a person who has schizophrenia were to stop taking there medications or stopped going for follow-up treatments that person would lead to psychotic symptoms to return. If they where not to do there treatment that they will become so psychotic and disorganized that they cannot care for themselves or there basic needs such as food, clothing and even where to live. Sometimes only family or friends that are close to that person will be aware of the strange behavior that their friend/relative is expressing. (How Can Others Help The Schizophrenic? )

"How Can Others Help The Schizophrenic?." 15 05 2008 .

1 comment:

Robert F said...

Nice job on the post, it seems like you know alot about this topic or you just did good research. Lot of good details i never knew. Why do they beleive they are fine and dont take the medicine any more i dont get it.