Friday, December 14, 2007

Cut by Patrica McCormick

After getting this far in the book the main charecter has alrady faced alot of challanges. Being almost done with the book i cant wait to see if Callie makes it out of Rehab. She has already had alot of treatment, but at first she refused to talk so she couldnt get better if she was refusing the doctors help. With finally giving in the th center and trying to get better i hope the book ends up with her going home to her brother and her parents. They center already told her if she didnt start coroperating with the doctors that they were gonna give her spot to a patient who did, Callie took this as a reality check and realized that if she didnt start getting woking with them she would never get better. At the part of the book I'm at now it seems like there is hope to get better and someday beable to go back home.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Amy C..sounds like the character is going through a lot.