Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Conclusion of Halo Graphic Novel

The book fulfilled my expectations. I wanted a novel that would keep me interested to the end. Halo Graphic Novel did that. I wanted a novel that is a good read and that is what Halo Graphic Novel did. Halo Graphic Novel was a great book to read. It had action, adventure, and survival to live another day. The fact that it had 4 separate stories in 4 different time periods also made it a good read. As a added bonus it has a full section devoted to the art that was considered but not put in. It also has the writes thoughts added in about how they liked working on the stories and the fact that they were selected to do it. All in all the stories are all great, I was lost at some times during Breaking Quarantine, but it was a great piece of literature. I would point this book to all the science fiction fans out there. It will give them a whole new prospective on Halo.

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