Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Media is to Blame Final Reflection.

Now that my research is coming to an end, I think that i found the anwser to my question. With all the searching I have done over the last month, it's clear that the media has an impact on young girls which is causing the increase in eating disorder patients. But how much of an impact is what people disagree on. Some of the articles think that the media has a hugh impact in young girls, while other people think that it has a very small impact.

This increasing number of eating disorders is a serious problem. I think that the media should be doing way more to inform the world about this disorder that is sweeping the nation. Actresses and Singers are all over the T.V. and in magazines and that's what people see all the time, these beautiful and thin famous people. I think it's ironic that these famous people we envy so much are struggling with the same disorders that they cause us to have. Diets to an extend are healthy, till people take to an extreme level and just keeping losing weight even when there under weight. I'm happy to see some new actresses have a real body and not this "perfect" hollywood image. I would like to see more Jordan Sparks and less Paris Hilton's . It's the media's responsibility to make up a better perspective on body image. It terrifying to see girls as young as ages 5 and 7 with a eating disorders. (Young Kids With Eating Disorders.) One my research I found out that Anorexia is the number one cause of death among young women. (Marechal)

With one out of every 3.8 commercials send some sort of "attractiveness message" it doesn't seem like the media really cares about what it is doing to young people. (Kennedy) The media is obsessed with the idea of thin being in. Who decided that being little is how people should look? You should look how you want to, not how other people think you should.

Doing this resaerch project really helped me understand alot more about eating disorder. It showed me that the media really is to blame for a portion of the eating disorder cases today. I wish more people were putting out messages on how to be healthy instead of how to be thin. Being skinny is not always healthy.

"When Very Young Kids Have Eating Disorders." Exploring the role society and the media play in the development of an Eating Disorder and the Media Influence on Eating Disorders. 22 May 2008 .

Marechal, Nathalie. "Eating disorders: Who's to blame?." 9/30/04 May 8, 2008 .

Kennedy, Susan. "Media images contribute to eating disorders." Tuesday, March 15, 2005 May 6, 2008

1 comment:

Zach T said...

This post really shows how not eating is probably the worst thing to do. I really liked the comment you had about "more Jordan Sparks and less Paris Hilton's. Thats the same thing that i want to see when it comes to celebrities and people in general. Girls young and old have to realize this isnt the way to go, they should just be themself.